Who am i

I’m Maxi Vittor, graphic designer and lettering artist based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I work as a freelancer since 2014 and have developed projects with Coca Cola, Cerveza Patagonia, Cerveza Quilmes and Helados Freddo.

Im co-founder of LetterMafia, a lettering colective with clientes such as Spotify and Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

I started teaching in 2006 at FADU-UBA and never stoped since then. Im part of Casa La Don Juan, a lovely spot in Buenos Aires where I teach a variety of workshops. I´ve also offered workshops in many places both in Argentina and abroad. I also coordinated Tipos Latinos 2016 and co-coordinated Tipos Latinos 2018, Latin American Typography Biennial.

I was part of Bicebé: Bienal del Cartel de Bolivia 2017, where I taught a Chalk Lettering workshop with Melissa Cronenbold and Mariaelena Gianmoena.

You can say hello at maxi(a)vittorlettering.com and you can follow my work on Instagram and Facebook.

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