I put the experience gained during 7 years of Typography teaching at the Universidad de Buenos Aires to offer workshops and short learning programs.
Back in 2015 I started teaching Lettering ven a mi, a 4 classes introductory course to handmade lettering. At the moment it was held uninterruptedly for 29 editions.
In 2017 I became part of Escuela de Lettering (Lettering School), alongside with calligrapher Melissa Cronenbold and type designer Maximiliano Sproviero. This program approaches, during two and a half months, different aspects about letterforms and lettering composition.
Both formats are part of Casa La Don Juan formative proposal. You can contact casaladonjuan(a)gmail.com and get info about contents, fees and 2018 schedule.
In 2017 I also took part of Bicebé: Biennial of Poster Bolivia, offering a 3 days workshop about chalk lettering. On that oportunity I made team with Mariaelena Gianmoena y Melissa Cronenbold.
In 2016 I taught a workshop on letterforms vector drawing, during the activities of Tipos Latinos, Sexta Bienal de Tipografía Latinoamericana in La Plata.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you are interested on any of these programs or on specific contents in the lettering area, wheter it is for you, your creative team or an event.